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Catering Submission

Thanks for your interest in a catering order from Julia’s!

Coffee catering options come in several size options and include cups, lids, creamer, sweeteners, etc.

  • Box-o-brew: $22 (serves 10-12)
  • Iced Coffee: $22 (serves 10-12)
  • Iced Tea: $18 (serves 10-12)
  • 2.5gal cambro: $50 (serves 25)
  • 5 gal cambro: $100 (serves 50)

We ask for a 1-week advance notice of all catering orders, which allows us to provide you with the best experience and products. Catering is only available during our store hours, and catering delivery is only available from 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. Monday – Friday.

Julia's Renovations

Julia's Book Section is open and our Grand ReOpening will be September 28th!